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ABouT me


fazelino suhood

personal Trainer + 
Sports massage therapist


To live in good spirit or happiness, as a result of an active life governed by reason.

Fazelino believes that fitness is the answer to pretty much anything. Be it medical ailments, injury prevention/recovery, mental health or just feeling and looking good for yourself. Self-love through deep intrinsic drive. Faz will help you to discover and unlock new realms of wellness.

Coach Fazelino - Personal Trainer | SG


sports massage & 
rehabilitation exercise

Pain is an issue faced by many of us.  Faz believes that the road to longevity starts with moving pain free. Whether you need an individual therapy session or requires the integration of rehabilitation exercises in training programmes, Faz is committed to fix you.


Coming from a family of therapists, rest assured you are in good hands.


Hypertrophy & strength training

Through proper training methodology, programming and nutrition, you would be well on your way to gaining lean muscle mass and getting strong!

Putting on muscle does not necessarily apply to those who wants to look buff. Weight training has its other benefits. From bringing blood glucose levels under control for diabetics, to preventing muscle atrophy for seniors. Or just generally getting strong for daily activities. The list goes on.

fat loss & 
weight management

Losing weight should not be too difficult, isn't it? Yet, most of us have experienced multiple failed attempts at fat/weight loss.  Leave the guesswork to the professionals. Faz has been there, done that. As someone who was severely obese once upon a time, Faz relates well to your struggles and knows the right buttons to push to keep you going, keeping it fun!

Get your cardio protocols, training, nutrition, and recovery in check, you will soon start to see the numbers going down!



If you are looking to bring your game to the next level, look no further! Faz has worked with both recreational level and athletes for various sports like Tae Kwon Do, Cricket, Floorball, Football, etc.

Sports specific training approach paired with a strength routine will give you the extra edge you are looking for in your choice of sport. Be the best in what you do!



I started training with Faz during my recovery after a LCL tear. He did a thorough assessment of movements that I could do and movements i was not comfortable doing. He knows the technical know hows and is able to offer suggestions on tweaking body movements to work on the right muscle set or to prevent any injuries. He is very encouraging as well which makes me very motivated to push myself during every session! 


As Faz has the technical knowledge, he is able to address my concerns or answer my questions with replies that are backed by science - no fad diets and no workout gimmick. 


He takes the time to find out about my lifestyle and offers advice on making small changes. This is the main reason why training with him has been sustainable for me because these small changes are easy to follow through and resulted in a general health improvement for me! In my recent health check up, there was an improvement in my weight and blood lipids level! I’m really happy with the progress made so far! Thanks Faz!

- Ferdiyana








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